
Gets the private string for the specified graphic, image, page, master page, story, text block, or the current publication. PageMaker retrieves only the private string associated with the specified developer, plug-in, and private ID.

Query constructor

PGetPrivateString(const char * sDeveloperID, const char * sPlugInID, short cTargetClass, unsigned long nTypeFlag, unsigned long nTargetID);
const char * sDeveloperID;
Four-character string representing your name or your company name (e.g., ADBE for Adobe)
const char * sPlugInID;
Four-character string representing plug-in (e.g., KYLN for Keyline plug-in)
short cTargetClass;
kClassObject for imported graphics and images, and for PageMaker-drawn lines, boxes, ovals, polygons, and text blocks
kClassStory for stories
kClassPub for publication (current publication only)
kClassPage for page
kClassMaster for master page
unsigned long nTypeFlag;
Identifier you defined to distinguish between types of private data for same cTargetClass (-1 and -2 are notallowed).
unsigned long nTargetID;
Internal PageMaker identifier for element (graphic, image, text block, page, master page, or story) to which private data is associated
0 (zero) for publication (PageMaker gets private string for current publication only)

Query results

short cPlatform;
0 for Windows
1 for Macintosh
const char * sPrivateString;
Private string, null terminated
Exceptions. PGetPrivateString throws an exception if: Five parameters needed to identify data. PageMaker requires five parameters to identify private data: Example. The following example gets the private string for an object with target ID 15 that is associated with the developer ADBE, the plug-in KYLN, and the private ID 1.

PGetPrivateString("ADBE", "KYLN", classobject, 1, 15);

See also

The PGetPrivateList and PGetPrivateData queries

The PDeletePrivateData, PPrivateData, and PPrivateString commands

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